Contact person:

Piotr Kaczmarek
tel. +48 71 31 58 201
[email protected]



“Fundusze Europejskie – dla rozwoju innowacyjnej gospodarki.”
“Inwestujemy w waszą przyszłość”

SI SPAMEL, Wojska Polskiego 3, 56-416 Twardogóra, Poland,
within the project: “Implementation of a Plan of Export Development by SI SPAMEL”
under the financing agreement UDA-POIG.06.01.00-02-008/11-00:

1. Took part as an exhibitor in:

12.04 – 15.04.2011 ELCOM UKRAINE in Kiev
06.06 – 09.06.2011 ELECTRO w Moskwie
13.09 – 16.09.2011 IEAS in Bucarest
26.09 – 01.10.2011 ITF 2011 in Plovdiv
18.10 – 21.10.2011 SIBPOLITECH in Novosibirsk

2.  Received VDE Certificate.

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.


“Production and purchase of special tools for compact pushbuttons and lamps”

Download the document of the inquiry


“European Funds – Support to Innovation. We invest in your future”

S.I. “SPAMEL” Wojska Polskiego 3, 56-416 Twardogóra
carried out the project: Drawing up a Plan of Export Development for S. I. “Spamel”, Twardogóra”
under the financing agreement UDA-POIG.06.01.00-02-002/10-00
Project timeframe: 15.05.2010 – 14.11.2010


S. I. “SPAMEL” carries out the project:
“New series of low-voltage control devices – as an example of product innovations in SI SPAMEL” within Regional Operational Programme for the Province of Lower Silesia in 2007-2013
Outline: 1.1 A2 Subsidies for SMEs product and process innovation at enterprise level (excluding projects related to tourism)
Project co-financed by ERDF and the Budget of State.


Related to co-financing of the project no. DIW-WKP_1/2.2.2/2007/2733/8267
Project: “Participation in International Technical Fair Plovdiv 2007 as an exhibitor, Bulgaria 24-29.09.2007

Project: “Participation in International Fair ELEKTRO 2007 as an exhibitor in Moscow, Russia, on 13-16.06.2007”

Project: “Participation in International Fair Energetika 2007 in Riga, Latvia, on 25.04-27.04.2007”

Project: „Participation in outgoing business mission at Energetics Fair in Vilnius / Ryga 2005″ on 10.05 – 13.05. 2005″ and“Participation in outgoing business mission at Stroiko Fair 2006 in Sophia, Bulgaria on 17.10 – 20.10.2006” co-financed from the funds of EU within SOP-ICE programme, 2004-2006.
Priority 2: Direct support to SMEs, Measure 2.2: Supporting product and technology competitiveness of enterprises. Sub-measure 2.2.2: Support to internationalization of enterprises.


Project: „Modern machining centre as a base for introducing product innovations in S.I. Spamel” co-financed from the funds of EU within SOP-ICE programme.
Priority 2: Direct support to SMEs, Measure 2.3: Improvement of competitiveness of enterprises through investment.